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American Counseling FAQ


If I cannot afford your services, what are my options?

In publicly funded mental health centers, such as those funded by state, city or county governments, the cost of many services is calculated according to what you can afford to pay. So, if you have no money, or very little, services are still provided. This is called a sliding-scale or sliding-fee basis of payment. Many employers make assistance programs available to their employees, often without charge. These programs - usually called Employee Assistance Programs - are designed to provide mental health services, including individual psychotherapy, family counseling, and assistance with problems of drug and alcohol abuse. 

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Can I get through this alone? I’ll just “tough it out.”

These issues need to be approached like any other medical condition. The longer you wait to have these concerns addressed by a professional, the longer they may fester…and often have a tendency to progressively become worse.

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Does American Counselors accept my Health Insurance?

Currently, American Counselors does not accept health insurance. Check back often, as we are always working to increase our availability to all. 

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Why talk to a stranger?

A professionally trained person may help you identify underlying causes of ongoing issues or concerns. Most people also find it comforting to talk with an objective professional who will not pass judgement, and whose professional commitment includes confidentiality…so a client will not have to worry about friends of family finding out.*** (There are extreme circumstances that may constitute mandatory reporting) 

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How can talking to a stranger make problems “magically” better?

When you speak to someone who has professional training and has helped many others with problems similar to yours, that person is able to see the patterns that may have led to your current issues and concerns. There is no “magic wand” however, that a Therapist can wave. In therapy, our job is to help you recognize those patterns - and you may try to change them. Successful therapy requires hard work and deep self-evaluation…but therapy, like many things in life worth doing…are often not easy.

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Do I need a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor or therapist? What’s the difference?

Some clients require ongoing therapy without medication. Other require both. Only psychiatrists are qualified to prescribe medication. Counselors, therapists and social workers determine needs for therapy, duration and frequency of therapy. Often times all disciplines will collaborate on a client’s treatment plan.

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Are appointments available at night or on weekends?

American Counselors has availability as late as 9pm on weeknights and openings during the weekends. You can see real-time availability on the Schedule and Appointment page and can always contact us, if you do not see a time that is convenient.

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How do I talk my spouse into going to a mental health center?

You certainly want to discuss it with your spouse. Often times, he/she has also considered therapy as a possibility and is welcome to the suggestion. If you have concerns, be sure to discuss it with someone at American Counselors.

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If I go to American  Counselors, what kind of treatment will I get?

There are many kinds of treatment. An American Counselors professional will work with you in determining what is best for you...

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Does therapy for mental and emotional problems always work?

Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. It primarily depends on you and the therapist. It is important to share your concerns in a serious, sincere, and open manner. Only if you are completely honest and open can you expect to receive the best support and advice. 

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What if I don’t feel comfortable a therapist?

Open communication with your counselor or therapist is crucial to successful treatment…that includes being honest about your level of comfort. Topics of discussion can provoke discomfort, so you will have to self-assess whether it is the topic, or the therapist that makes you uncomfortable. . You can ask your therapist for a referral to another mental health professional. 

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Does American Counselors provide therapy for children?

Yes. Children usually respond very well to short-term help if they are not suffering from a severe disorder. Families often are asked to participate and are consulted if the child is found to have a serious disorder.

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Should I worry about American Counselors keeping my information confidential?

Confidentiality is a cornerstone requirement to therapy, and you have the right to control access to information about treatment. Professional association guidelines plus federal and state laws underscore the importance of  confidentiality in therapist-client relationships and govern the release of records. Some insurance companies require certain information from the therapist as a condition for payment, but that information can be released only if the patient gives written permission.

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Should people with severe mental health problems be in a hospital?

A person who is mentally ill should be in a hospital only if it is absolutely necessary. In general, most mental health professionals believe that those with mental illness should live in the community and receive maximum social support. That's why mental health centers and community support and rehabilitation programs stress the importance of having many different services available: day, night, and weekend care, and outpatient treatment through regular visits to an office or clinic.

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Do emergency cases wind up as long-term patients in mental hospitals?

Generally no. Mental hospitals are used today for short-term crisis intervention when there are no other community services available or when a person needs extra care to stabilize a drug treatment regimen. Also they serve the small percentage of patients who need long-term, structured, supervised care and treatment in a protective setting.

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What is "involuntary commitment"?

In an emergency (for example, where a person is considered a danger to self or others), it is possible for someone to be admitted to a hospital for a short period against his or her will. The exact procedures that must be followed vary from one area to another, according to state and local laws. At the end of the emergency commitment period, the state must either release the individual, obtain his or her voluntary consent to extend commitment, or file with the court an extended commitment petition to continue to detain the person involuntarily. Illinois requires an emergency commitment hearing to be held within two to four days after hospital admission to justify continued involuntary confinement. American Counselors has experience in these cases.

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Whom can I call if I feel that my rights have been violated or if I want to report suspected violation of rights, abuse, or neglect?

Federal law provides that each state have a Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System. These agencies, partially funded by reports of abuse and neglect in public or private mental health or treatment facilities for current residents or those admitted or discharged during the past 90 days.

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